Two reviews in one? Hells yes!
OK, it is because I have been a bad blogger...a slacker of sorts. In fact, I almost slacked tonight and put this off for yet ANOTHER night. This should really be two separate posts. I have been dedicating time to my new (and 4
th blog
Heartbroken Confessional), so please forgive me. I am a heartbroken blogger now, but the Betty
Crocker GF brownies and cookies sure helped! They were really...hum...I should set this up like my other reviews...or I am just going to slack this so much that I am not even going to do this in my traditional form? Screw tradition!
The Cookies:
SO GOOD! I loved them. I could have eaten them all up, but I shared them! After all, gluten free sharing is caring! I only ate three! Yes, a crime because they were so good. I wanted them all to myself though. This is them before baking:

Final Product:

They were moist and chewy. These were serious gluten free perfection. Awesomely gluten free.
The brownies:
Oh my gosh! I loved the brownies more than the cookies....I didn't think that would be possible. So
delish! Smelled like heaven in the oven. I served it warm with vanilla
ice cream on the side:

I could eat this daily if it was a health food. It should be written as a
prescription when going through a breakup. I served this to my sister and my friend Melissa and they
couldn't even tell it was gluten free (but they knew it was because I was eating it).
If you have not tried these, you should! You will not regret these!