As a Mom, I am constantly looking for healthier versions of my son's favorite foods. When I spotted these Carrot Fries by Peas Of Mind, I jumped for joy! One bag has NINE servings of vegetables and it is a wonderful source of Vitamin that sounds like a real winner.
When I made these for my son for the first time, I was worried he would notice these were not like the fries I had purchased before, but he ate them up. Frankly, so did I.
Have you tried Peas Of Mind products? What do you think of them?
I haven't tried them, but they look like such a neat concept. I recommended them to a good friend with a little boy.
I would love to post your review on with links to your blog. Let me know if that would be cool. :)
Thank you Alisa, that would be wonderful. I hope your friends son likes them too!
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